The Contender review
It’s a retro review this week for Movies Merica with the political thriller “The Contender” that flew under the radar when it was released in 2000. It’s the story of a political figure that is going to shake things up in Washington D.C. in a way many D.C. power players don’t want. As a result, those power players launch an all-out legal and media assault on them to drive them out of D.C. Sound familiar? Joan Allen plays Laine Hanson who is picked as a replacement for the Vice President to Jeff Bridges’ President Jackson Evans. This pick causes a stir and Congressman Shelly Runyon, played by a slimy Gary Oldman, comes out guns blazing against Laine. President Evans and his Chief Of Staff, played by Sam Elliott, have to deflect the bullets coming at her especially a big one of an erotic nature from back in her college days. Will Laine withstand the massive smear campaign or will she crumble under the weight of the swamp? Is it worth finding out? Check out my review to find out. “The Contender” also stars Christian Slater, Kathryn Morris, William Petersen, Saul Rubinek, Philip Baker Hall, Mike Binder, Robin Thomas, Mariel Hemingway and Kristen Shaw.