Heretic review
Hugh Grant is most well known for his comedic and gentler performances in “Four Weddings and a Funeral” and “About A Boy.” That’s not what you’re getting from ol Hughie in this week’s movie I’m reviewing, “Heretic.” In this movie he comes off like he’d be right at home being roommates with Hannibal Lecter. He plays the mysterious Mr. Reed, who two Mormon women visiting his home to perhaps convert him, are unfortunate enough to meet. The women are Sister Barnes and Sister Paxton, played respectively by Sophie Thatcher and Chloe East, and they early on suspect that their conversion attempt might turn into a survival game. Mr. Reed is no uninitiated, uninformed candidate for religious conversion. You realize that he’s very well versed in all things religion. However, you also realize he’s got other characteristics that are more sinister that the poor sisters just might have to worry about. What are those characteristics? Will the poor sisters make it out alive? Is it worth finding out in theaters? Check out this episode to find out! “Heretic” also stars Topher Grace, Elle Young, Julie Lynn Mortensen, Haylie Hansen, Elle McKinnon and Anesha Bailey.